Table of contents
Introduction: background, methodology and objectives of the survey
Part 1. General principle of home office and telework
General protection for teleworkers / home office and challenges for journalists
“I feel like I live at work”: the right to disconnect
Compulsory or voluntary?
Part 2. Main findings of the survey
Regulatory framework: a split situation
A majority of journalists (still) work outside of the newsroom
A clear lack of collective agreements at company-level
No money for journalists working from home
Part 3. Teleworkers’ protection and trade union organising: the future is hybrid!
Reaching out to members digitally: e-mails still the most common tool
Telework raises many questions from journalists to their union/association
An unclear future for journalists’ organisations
Conclusions & Recommendations
Questionnaire sent to member organisations
List of responding organisations
Last updated
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